Telehealth (or video-visits) are a useful tool for HopeCentral’s providers and allows providers to give better guidance versus a traditional phone call. Telehealth is not appropriate for every situation, but it can be particularly helpful when parents are deciding whether or not to bring a child to our clinic for care. If you have any questions about your child’s health, please call our office. If appropriate, we can schedule a telehealth appointment with you to provide further guidance. (Please note that telehealth visits are billed similarly to in-office visits and that patients are responsible for any balances due.)
Dr. Patrica Scott walks through the telehealth process!
Steps to Joining your Telehealth Appointment
1. Access Google Meet. HopeCentral uses Google Meet for telehealth appointments. Google Meet is available via a Web browser, Android, or iPhone.
2. Receive an appointment link from HopeCentral. You will receive a calendar invite via email from HopeCentral. Included in this email will be the day and time of your appointment as well the appointment link (highlighted below) which you will use to access your telehealth appointment. Contact us if you are unable to access the calendar appointment, and we can provide the meeting link over the phone or via an alternative method
For detailed instructions on how to use Google Meet, visit this Google support link.