Social Scripts
Social Scripts are short stories with realistic photos and details written and designed to help children with ASD and other behavior disorders better understand and navigate specific situations.
These social scripts were designed by our Behavioral Health providers to help our patients know what to expect when they come to HopeCentral for appointments.
Our medical team has developed safety procedures to help maintain the health of our patients and staff amidst COVID-19. This social script has explains why there are not toys or books available, photos of staff will wearing PPE (personal protective equipment), and a brief explanation of the test in the case that it is needed.
Blood Draw
If your child is afraid of needles and/or blood, this social script can be very helpful. Use the slides to walk them through each step so they come to their appointment knowing what to expect.
Heart Rate and Breathing Assessment
During most appointments at HopeCentral your child will have their heat rate and breathing checked. This social script can be helpful for your child if they have anxiety before doctor’s appointment as this will walk them through what to expect when they are taken back to the exam room.
Children often receive vaccinations at well-child appointments. Feel free to call the clinic ahead of time to ask whether on not your child is due for a vaccine. If so, share this social script with your child so they are not surprised and know what to expect before their appointment!