March 2, 2020
Dear HopeCentral parents and patients,
I want to send an update about coronavirus as it has become more prevalent in the news. For kids, I am still more concerned about the flu, however I understand you are probably wondering what you should do and how much you should worry. We will learn more over the next couple of weeks but I want to give you some resources to help you stay informed. Testing is only recommended if you have had contact with a known case or have traveled to a country with an outbreak (China, Japan, S. Korea, Italy or Iran). In addition you must have symptoms of cough and fever.
My recommendations are:
1) Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly
2) Cough into your elbow
3) Don't touch your face
4) Call us if your child has cough, fever (over 100.3 F) and difficulty breathing so we can discuss whether they need to be seen.
I will send more updates as we get more information.
I am thankful to be your pediatrician!
Dr. Chris Jones
NPR cartoon explaining Coronavirus